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talking bottle opener
talking bottle opener
Specification: JRT
Detail: Model No# JRT-BLUE * Talking bottle opener * When touching the cap of the bottle, it makes customized sound like "I Love Coca Cola", "Cheers Heineken", etc. * Silkscreen on the body is welcome * Various colors for s...

air freshener
air freshener
Specification: JRQ
Detail: Model No# JRQ-A * Three functions of humidifier, purifier and ionizer in one. * Neutralises odor, bacteria and air contaminants * Three operation modes for your selection * Safe and economical * Works effectively with...

mini usb fan
mini usb fan
Specification: JRUB
Detail: Model No# JRUB-A (without flash and LED message) * Mini USB fan, desktop style * Without flash and LED message, * Various body colors for selection * Powered by computer USB or 3 AAA batteries Model No# JRUB-B (with flas...

usb fan
usb fan
Specification: JRUA
Detail: Model No# JRUA-A (without flash and LED message) * USB fan, computer plugged style * Without flash and LED message * Powered by computer USB Model No# JRUA-B (with flash) * USB flashing fan, computer plugged style * Co...

mini fan
mini fan
Specification: JRM
Detail: Model No# JRMA * Mini fan, without flash and LED message * Silkscreen on the fan body is welcome * Easy operation and only 3 AAA batteries are needed * Various body colors for selection * Great for promotion / disco / p...

programmable led message fan
programmable led message fan
Specification: jrp
Detail: Model No# JRPA * Programmable LED message fan * LED light containing 4 messages of letters or interpunctions which can be programmed by the user * Silkscreen on the fan body is welcome * Easy operation and only 3 AA...
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